Home > Feature Suggestions > BeezDesk CRM by MailBeez

BeezDesk CRM by MailBeez

Company Name in BeezDesk Customer Insight
The BeezDesk Customer Insight only showing customer First Name and Last Name. There should be option to display Company Name along with First Name and Last name. B2B website individual name does not h...
Apr 26, 2016
BeezDesk for B2B Customer
BeezDesk should have options to add user defined field for customer. The custom fields would allow B2B Company to track customer details like business license tracking, credit approval status, etc. Us...
Apr 26, 2016
Maintain Opt Out list from customer view
It would be nice to be able to add or remove customers from the opt out list from the customer view. Some customers tend to mention by phone or by email that they would prefer not to be contacted, so ...
Sep 18, 2014
Artikelname abgeschnitten
wäre schön, wenn ganzer Artikelname zu sehen wäre (evt. auf 2 Zeilen) oder bei Mouseover (titel-tag) ab Beezdesk Kundeninsight V2.41
Jun 06, 2014
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